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We create expert-level content strategies and content that rank and gain topical authority.

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What is Content Marketing?

Content SEO is all about making your blog posts easily findable and understandable by both search engines (like Google) and readers. Imagine you’ve written a great article about homemade apple pie. If you’ve used the right techniques, when someone types “homemade apple pie recipe” into Google, your article might pop up at the top! It’s important because, just like a shopkeeper wants a prime spot on the high street to attract more customers, you want your blog to be easily found online, drawing more readers and making your content’s efforts worthwhile..

Content Marketing Benefits

- SEO-optimized content can bring more potential customers to your website through search.
- Become the go-to expert in your field with valuable content.
- Once written, optimized content can attract customers for years without ongoing costs.
- Regularly appear in search results to keep your brand top-of-mind for consumers.

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Keyword Research

Discover the exact phrases or words potential customers type into search engines, so your content matches what they're looking for.

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Quality & Relevant Content

Write informative and engaging articles or posts that genuinely help your readers, making them more likely to trust and choose your business.

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Content Structure & Formatting

Organize your content with clear headings and bullet points, ensuring readers (and search engines) can easily understand and digest your message.

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Internal Linking

Connect various articles on your website, guiding visitors to explore more about your offerings and increasing their chances of becoming customers.

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Content Marketing SEO Statistics

Here are some statistics we think you should know about the effect SEO has had on websites in the last year.


of businesses using Content Marketing SEO see an increase in website engagement.


of websites that routinely run technical audits have 90+ rated page speed (quick).


of businesses prioritizing content marketing experience a rise in online sales.


of regular content readers become repeat customers.

Let's Talk.